- MeerkatsĀ - Giant Tortoise (Images in Frogs and Reptiles) - Brush Turkey - Red Panda - Siamangs (Images in Trail of the Elephants - Rainbow Lorikeets - BeetlesĀ 
Ring Tailed Lemur - Ruffed Lemur - Western Lowlands Gorilla - Pigmy Hippopotamus - Cassowary - Spider Monkey - Cotton-Top Tamarin - White Cheeked Gibbon - Emperor Tamarin
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Asian Small-clawed Otter - Sumatran Tiger - Australian Long Necked Tortoise - Asian Elephant - Bolivian Squirrel Monkey - Sumatran Orang-utan
Butterfly house and Howe Island Stick insect

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lions - Chameleon - Coatis - Snow Leopard - Tigers - Tasmanian Devil - African Wild Dog

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